Jose Hopkins, Founder and CEO of Simplify Climate sat down in an interview with Bill
Lumley for The Intermediary to discuss sustainable finance and guarding against
In the interview, Jose and Bill discuss the importance of guarding against greenwashing in the real estate and finance sectors when it comes to sustainable and green building projects. They highlighted the critical role that a clear taxonomy and definitions play in allowing financing to properly flow to legitimate green investment projects.In the interview Jose emphasises the need for self-education on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) principles for everyone involved in the property industry. He recommends resources like the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) for guidance.Beyond just knowing about relevant legislation, Jose stresses being aware of the current realities of climate change and discussed how the specialist
finance market can cater to complex green projects beyond just energy performance
criteria in lending.
They further discussed incentives that benefit not just landlords but also investors when improving energy efficiency and how diagnostic assessments can be used to identify inefficiencies can lead to improved mortgage rates, and installing energy efficient upgrades can boost a property's performance.
Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of clear standards, education, incentives for all stakeholders, and addressing real-world climate impacts in the push towards green buildings and sustainable finance.
You can read the full article in the cover story, page 5 - The Intermediary - April 2024
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